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Showing posts from November, 2017

Cards I Ain't Got No More - Non-Sports

I really like non-sports cards and got into the first few releases of Donruss Americana and other sets from Topps.  I pulled many cards I liked and then ended up selling them on Ebay, much to my regret.   I was much more of a Mary Ann fan than a Ginger fan.   I'm A Believer!  (My apologies for the bad joke.) These Marilyn Monroe swatches are in different Donruss sets but have to be from the same dress.  I had about 20 of the different Movie Posters cards with swatches from various stars. Pieces of space vehicles are cool.  Should have kept them. I bought a case of 2010 A&G a box at a time.  Would like these better if Blaine wasn't shirtless. We end with these nice redemptions from Upper Deck.  I liked the fact that I didn't know what I would get when until these arrived in the mail.