All of the free time I've had from not having to commute five days a week and not going out of the house very often made me go through all of my cards in the past few months. An influx of money made me buy more cards than I normally do. I finally ran out of money and cards in storage and decided to really look at what I wanted to keep and what I could move in some way. Here is what I decided I don't need. There are more boxes at the bottom of the stack. That stack of graded cards includes every graded card I have. They are pretty much crap as most of them are BCCG cards from repacks bought over the years. The stack has many, many base cards of all sports but also includes some vintages cards, many Hall-of-Famers, and a bunch of memorabilia and autographed cards. Most of these are from 2011 and before. If someone in the Atlanta area wants to take them off my hands and is willing to pick them up and carry them all down one flight we can negotiate. At this point I'm not w...